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Border Pattern #2 Tutorial

Another zentangle border pattern tutorial. This one is suitable for designs and drawings with straight lines.

A useful tip: if you want to make a line even finer – just barely touch the pen tip to the paper when you draw. I did the smaller lines around the petals this way since even the 0.1 pen I used for them makes too thick a line for such a limited space. You can’t really see the difference in the video, but it is there.
I used three different sizes of pens for this one – Faber-Castell PITT artist pens sizes F (for the outlines) and S (for the petals) and Uni Pin Fine Line 0.1 for the small lines.
You can make the arches as big or as small as you want. You’ll notice the last two are a bit smaller – adapt the size to your own preferences.

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