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Videos and tutorials

Naaki Tangle Pattern – Inktober Tangles 2021, Day 2

Day 2 of Inktober Tangles 2021. So far, so good. Today’s tangle is Naaki by Nadine Roller, CZT. This one is a very versatile pattern, can be transformed in many different ways, but I decided to stick with the basics with just a couple of additional touches. I tried to add some color with pencils but unfortunately the green pencil is barely visible in the video, as you can see bellow, and in the photo of the finished drawing it looks yellow. Oh, well, I guess I’ll use darker colors in the future.

Naaki Tangle Pattern

How to paint a mandala on a misshapen stone

Purple Blue Mandala Stone, Acrylic Paints

I love painting stones and especially making mandala stones. The thing is, where I live it’s very hard to find stones with even remotely circular shapes, so I have to make do with what I find. However, you don’t need a perfectly circular shaped stone in order to paint a mandala. You just need a stone big and flat enough so that you can draw a decent sized circle on. The stone in the picture above was a great find, but it still wasn’t the perfect shape for a mandala. So here is what I did…

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