Naaki Tangle Pattern – Inktober Tangles 2021, Day 2
Day 2 of Inktober Tangles 2021. So far, so good. Today’s tangle is Naaki by Nadine Roller, CZT. This one is a very versatile pattern, can be transformed in many different ways, but I decided to stick with the basics with just a couple of additional touches. I tried to add some color with pencils but unfortunately the green pencil is barely visible in the video, as you can see bellow, and in the photo of the finished drawing it looks yellow. Oh, well, I guess I’ll use darker colors in the future.
Lunar Flux – Day 1 of Inktober 2021
It’s October again and this year (as every other year) I’ve decided to give Inktober a try. I’ve never been able to do more than a couple of days, but hopefully this year I’ll stick to it longer.
So, the tangle pattern for Day 1 is LunarFlux by Debbie New, CZT. This is the first time I’ve drawn this particular pattern and it was a lot of fun. I will definitely use it in the future.
Above you can see a video tutorial of the pattern with my interpretation, of course. Bellow, I’ve done a few different versions of the LunarFlux tangle pattern.
Flux+Nymph in Color Pencils
Here are two tiles featuring variations of tangle patterns Flux and Nymph. I colored them with pencils and found out I really enjoy working with pencils. Up until now I usually used pens to color in tangles, but I plan to use pencils much more often in the future.
Zentangle Border Pattern #5
Zentangle Border Pattern #5 done with Faber-Castell PITT artist pen S and Faber-Castell Ecco Pigment 0.1.
Geometric doodle pattern 2
Another geometric doodle pattern suitable for decorating bookmarks and cards. It’s easy to do and there are many options for coloring – just use your imagination.
Geometric doodle pattern 1
An easy to do geometric doodle pattern. I think grid based patterns are very suitable for beginners – you just have to fill in the squares repeatedly with simple lines and you get interesting intricate shapes. And when you color them in you get lovely patterns. The black pen is Faber-Castell PITT artist pen size S and the color ones are United Office Fineliner pens: pink, dark green and light green. I plan on making a bookmark with this pattern and when it’s done I’ll post a picture.
Patterns #2
The first one is among my favorites and all three of them are great as background patterns.
Patterns #1
A couple of patterns you can use a reference.