Small Doodle 2
A quick and fun small doodle that turned out quite nicely. I used a Staedtler Triplus Fineliner and for the finer lines and the dots I used a Faber-Castell pen, but any 0.1 fineliner will do just fine.
Paisley Zentangle
The Paisley is a great shape to tangle, especially if you can’t think of a design. When I get stuck and have a hard time coming up with ideas, I just draw a paisley shape and tangle inside it. Here is an example. For this video I used a Faber-Castell Pitt artist pen size S from this set of four. For the finer lines I used a Uni Pin fineliner 0.1
Nature Zentangles: Flower #3
A small flower design done with two different pen sizes – an 0.8 fineliner that I unfortunately lost and for the finer lines I used a Staedtler Triplus Fineliner Black 0.3mm.
Small doodle 1 Video
A small improvised doodle filmed with my phone. As usual I used a Faber-Castell PITT Artist Pen size S.
Zentangle Border Pattern #4
A simple but pretty floral border drawn with Faber-Castell PITT Artist pen S, Faber-Castell Ecco Pigment 0.1 and colored in with a grey fine liner pen.
Geometric doodle pattern 2
Another geometric doodle pattern suitable for decorating bookmarks and cards. It’s easy to do and there are many options for coloring – just use your imagination.
Floral Zendoodle Video
An impromptu video I made by just setting up the camera and doodling without any preparation. For all my previous videos I planned the design in advance, but this turned out to be fun and in the future I’ll continue to make more of these videos. The pens I used: Faber-Castell PITT artist pen S and Uni Pin Fine Line 0.1.
Floral Art Journal Doodle
A video of a small floral doodle from my art journal. I used Faber-Castel PITT Artist Manga Drawing Pens, Black, 4-Pack